The Gearbox

McGill Physics Makerspace and 3D Print Lab

We are working on some collaborative projects within our makerspace group. Here we will post updates to the projects!

If you have any ideas for a project and need help please let us know! See Resources for more information on 3D printing and design.

Below are some completed projects! If you would like to have your project featured on this page please email!

3D Printed Vice

As a first group project we designed, printed, and built a fully functional 3D vice for the lab.


Shown above is the completed vice! Ready for use in the Gearbox.

Lab Environmental Monitor
Designer: Felix Belair

The goal of the project is to record environmental variables continuously over years with the use of several sensors such as a particulate counter or pressure differential sensor, to then upload the data to a server using a Raspberry Pi. Using various python submodules specific to each sensor, properties such as temperature, pressure differential, humidity, and dust levels are monitored and stored to a database at periodic time intervals. This would allow the user to verify whether the lab has a positive pressure differential relative to the outside to keep the dust out and to correlate when and how the dust particles enter. A 3d-printed case has been designed to package all these components together.

Envrionmental Monitor Design
Environmental Monitor Printed
These monitors are currently in use in the Brunner Neutrino lab!

Your project here!

If you have ideas for a project and need assistance, or if you've already completed a project and took advantage of the makerspace we would love to here from you!
To get in touch please contact